Here are some of the sequences I got with the Thrasher and Globe dudes for their "Skatepark Round-Up". Click the title of this post above ->Globe Skatepark Round-Up (#1) to check out the footage!
At some point in time today I heard that there was going to be a free concert at the Santa Monica Pier... I decided to look it up on the trusty interweb and found out the legendary Tony Hawk would be there doing a demo as well. Talked Riley into coming down to check it out with me and was obviously thrilled!
It should be easy to figure out why the post is named "the black fuzz" post. There is some dust on my sensor and need to remember to clean it before I shoot any more photos... total rookie maneuver. Anyways... enjoy the photos!
Today we held the Globe at the Gaps skate contest at the world famous "sand gaps" at the beach in Santa Monica. There will be a video edit of the entire contest posted on the ZJ site some time next week.
Kevin Bradley- Backside Heelflip
Kevin Bradley- Varial Flip
Kevin White - Switch Heel
Wes Tata- Switch Varial Heel
Anthony Pham - Back Big Spin
Issey Yumiba - Inward Heel
Alex Kozah - Double Hardflip
Results: 17 and younger
1st Schuyler Krohn 2nd Dave Hactus 3rd Kevin Bradley
18 and older
1st Deryk Dream 2nd Justin Peters 3rd Thomas Leurentop
Good day my friends. Welcome to another exciting edition of Broahtography. In this post we will see some photo sequences that will be featured in the upcoming film release of "The ZJ Video". Get ready for it folks, we are less than a month away!
I also included some stills that I shot last night at Rune Glifberg's shoe release party at the Pink Motel in Sun Valley. Converse really did it proper with lots of free beer and BBQ goodies for all. Enjoy!