Brad Hendrickson- Rock on Brother!! This one is dedicated to you.
This is the Frankenpost featuring photos from your favorite local action heroes.
I have had some of these sequences for months now, but have not had time to animate and post them up. They are posted in order from oldest to newest. Enjoy!
Ahh... the famous curvy ledge (undisclosed location). This had to be at least 8 months ago...before the layer of buttery red paint was applied to help the grindage..I did the whole thing, I swear, Morasco has the footage!

Broah- Crooks to fakie
The VA rail- my first time there. I took this shot with a tripod while sitting in the middle of the road. There were some angry drivers who wanted me to move. Finally an old asian man called the cops who asked us nicely to vacate the premises.

Brad Hendrickson- Front Nosegrind
The Culver City Skatepark- I have a crapload of photos from the day it opened, I have been meaning to put up a post with those photos. Anyways, here is Hendy- once again, killing it in Cali. How are those
Vans HalfCabs working out bro?

Hendy- Backside nosegrind back 180 out
Just happened to roll up to the famous "Bump to Bench" as Via Marina filmer, Mike Morasco was trying this trick. Alex Gordo was filming it. Everyone on the scene was screaming after the trick was landed, but nobody was happier than Morasco himself.

Mike Morasco- Nollie Flip noseslide
Once again we find ourselves at Mira Leste High School in PV. This was the right after Bowers blew out both of his knees on a switch bigspin heelflip down the 10.

Evan Edwards- Backside lipslide
Marino, Hendrickson, Michigan Max, and I rolled out to Abondoned Mini-Golf last week and got somewhat legit. We found this brokendown piece of bridge on top of this pile of scum that we are skating over. It took all four of us to lift the "plank" into place to create a manual pad, which was fun for awhile. Shortly after we found some angle iron scattered about the rubble. Somehow we were able to construct a grinder...

Broah- Frontside 5-0 Bank to plank

Hendy- 50-50 back 180 into the bank
Later that evening, as the sun started to go down, Hendrickson started skating this transition obstacle that was surely consructed by some other skaters. Pretty gnarly.

Hendy- Kickflip to Fakie